Electronic identity card and Kids-ID

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Since Monday 21 June 2021, you must come to the Embassy of Belgium in Dar es Salaam for an electronic identity card (e-ID) or Kids-ID (if your child is 6 years or older) in person and by appointment. This is necessary to ensure proper identification and a similar photo (which is taken on site) and to take your fingerprints (from the age of 12), as is already required for a passport.

We are aware that applying for an identity card therefore requires more effort from you. But only in this way can we maintain the international recognition of the Belgian identity card (in more than 50 countries).

Read more on the FPS Foreign Affairs website

The Belgian embassies and career consulates issue electronic identity cards to Belgians who are listed in their population registers:

  • eID: electronic identity card for adults and children older than 12
  • Kids-ID: electronic identity card for children younger than 12

These eID and Kids-ID offer various benefits:

  1. Handy bank card size
  2. Possibility to travel to more than 50 countries (more information in French or Dutch)
  3. Less expensive than a passport: 20 € for an eID, 10 € for a Kids-ID
  4. Remains valid in case you move (to another career post, from or to Belgium)
  5. Allows certain secure actions over the Internet (if the certificates have been activated)

Do not confuse the Belgian identity card with the Belgian passport or with the residence card of your country of residence

Note the difference between Belgian identity cards and residence documents, which may be issued by the country of residence. The validity and legal nature of these residence documents are generally limited to the territory of the country of residence.

The eID and Kids-ID are valid identity and travel documents for the member states of the European Union and for a few neighbouring countries. Hence, they will often be helpful - and even necessary - means for the holders to identify themselves.

For numerous countries a passport is required as an eID is not sufficient.

Where and how to apply for e-ID?

At the embassy in Dar Es Salaam

You make an appointment via e-appointment. During the appointment, the biometric data will be recorded (photo, fingerprints and signature).

NB, registration of biometric data is also mandatory for children above 6 years old.

Documents to bring to the appointment: 

During the biometric mission 

Biometric missions

In Belgium 

Since 21 June 2021 you can also apply for your e-ID at (1) the Belgian municipality where you were last registered, (2) your Belgian municipality of birth if you have never lived in Belgium, but were born there, or (3) a Belgian municipality of your choice if you have never lived and were not born in Belgium.

The e-ID and PUK code will then be delivered to the municipality at the latest 2-3 working days later, and you can activate the card immediately at the municipality.

It is best to contact your municipality in advance to inquire whether additional documents are required.

Activation of (kids)-e-ID

The activation can be done at the embassy in Dar Es Salaam, in another consular post abroad or in a Belgian municipality. The e-ID and the PUK code are required for activation. You can apply them here

The identity card and the certificates can only be activated in the presence of the person concerned. This means that an e-ID of a minor between the ages of 12 and 18 can only be activated in the presence of that minor.

The kids e-ID can be activated by the parents (or the legal representative) without the presence of the child.

With an activated e-ID and a card reader, you can log in to various Belgian government websites.